For a limited time balloons will be available to nonClub59 Balloons members.
Once the club is running smoothly, 59Balloons will migrate to a complete exclusive club model. Check out the members benefits to see if membership is something for you!
Ben je 18 jaar of ouder?
Sorry, de inhoud van deze winkel is bedoeld voor mensen ouder dan 18 jaar.
When we have these in stock, we include one of these handy and easy to use wipes with every order so you can see if you like the look and feel of your balloons once you have buffed them up with VIVISHINE.
Sometimes you may want a bunch of these single wipes so we do try to keep some in stock. We sell these as singles.
All VIVISHINE products can be purchased on line or bought from a local latex wear or kink shop.
We endorse these products mostly because we just love the way they make our balloons look and feel but also because VIVISHINE has supported, encouraged and even provided products to use as gifts for the people who donated to my GoFundMe campaign. A great company who really love the fact that their products- made for the latex wear community -arebeing used more and more by the balloon community.
Gebruik samenvouwbare tabbladen voor meer gedetailleerde informatie die klanten helpt bij het nemen van een aankoopbeslissing.
Bijv: verzend- en retourbeleid, maatrichtlijnen en andere veelgestelde vragen.